“Lake Vermilion at Her Best” Photo Contest
We all know Lake Vermilion is a scenic treasure, an unequaled place to visit, and a great place to live. Let’s tell that story to everyone at every opportunity!
During our 50th Anniversary, our lake association wants to share many of your favorite images of Vermilion on our website, on Facebook, in our newsletters and in local newspapers.
As an incentive, we’ve created a photo contest at our free 2018 Community Picnic on August 11, 2018, at Camp Vermilion. We’ll display all your submissions at the picnic along with your name. Attendees will vote on their favorites. The top three vote-getters will be awarded prizes. Look for details in our May newsletter.
In the meantime, please send your favorite high-resolution photos by email to terrygrosshauser@vermilionlakeassociation.org. Landscapes, sunsets, kids having fun, dogs, wildlife, picnics, fish, etc … whatever. All we ask is that you give us permission to share your photo treasures with our lake association members and the Lake Vermilion community. You will receive credit as the photographer.
Let’s all have some photo fun!
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