Monthly Archives: June 2016
New Shore Lunch Sites Signage

Our eight SCLV Shore Lunch Sites now have new directional signs posted at the trail head leading to the latrine at each site. The signs were made by SCLV volunteer, Dick Johnson, who also assisted with the mid-May installation along with volunteers Tom Forconi, John. . .
Read more »3000 AIS Boat Inspections at Lake Vermilion

Watercraft inspections are an important part of aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention at Lake Vermilion. We are pleased to tell you we’ve reached a major milestone. Last week, our team inspected its 3000th boat at Lake Vermilion’s public and private launch sites since Fishing Opener. . .
Read more »AIS Boat Cleaning Stations to Open Near Lake Vermilion

TOWER and COOK—Lake Vermilion will be better protected from aquatic invasive species (AIS) starting this weekend thanks to a partnership among two local businesses and two organizations providing AIS inspection services at the lake. The Country Store in Cook and the Y Store near Tower. . .
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