Monthly Archives: April 2018

Is It Too Late to Protect Lake Vermilion from AIS?

Is it too late? Will the depressing news about fishery issues at other major walleye lakes inevitably reach our shore? Absolutely not! Yes, spiny waterfleas were discovered in Vermilion’s east basin in 2015. They have noticeably reduced our small zooplankton, especially in late summer, but. . .

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Minnow Trapping … A Rite of Spring

Spring is an exciting time of the year as we watch the ice leave Lake Vermilion, the return of the loons, trees budding out, and spring flowers blossoming. It is also the time to begin minnow trapping with the hopes of catching a fresh batch. . .

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Spring Newsletter Available Now Online

The Vermilion Lake Association is ready to mail its spring newsletter to its members. Act now to be among the first to read about our Moose Study, Minnow Trapping, AIS Prevention, and more. Download or view your copy here.

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