Monthly Archives: May 2018
Lake Vermilion Fishing Report

The easy walleye fishing we experienced for the first few weeks of the year has come to a grinding hault. For what is typically walleye prime time, the fish are not biting in their typical late spring / early summer locations. The walleyes that are. . .
Read more »Lake Vermilion Fishing Report

Despite the cold water temperatures, the walleye bite over the past week has been very good. There are days where the weather changes have shut the bite down, but those slow periods are lasting less than a day. Fishing slow in 24 to 36 feet. . .
Read more »Lake Vermilion Fishing Report

Well the 2018 walleye fishing opener has finally arrived! What a beautiful weekend we had too! From all of the reports that I have received and by my own experience the opener was a huge success for most fishermen. Walleyes were caught in depths ranging. . .
Read more »Prescribed Burn at Lake Vermilion Shore Lunch Site

The U.S Forest Service conducted a prescribed burn at Lake Vermilion on May 17 and 18 in the area surrounding the Norwegian Bay, South Shore Lunch Site. The site has been closed during the burning operation and will remain so until the fire is declared. . .
Read more »AIS Prevention at Vermilion … How It Began

When I joined the board of the Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion in 2003 as their treasurer, I could see some dark clouds on the horizon which were not related to dollars and cents. Duane Williams and Jack Sparks had discovered rusty crayfish in Armstrong. . .
Read more »Loon Nesting Platforms … Year Two

As soon as the ice turns to open water, male loons arrive to claim their territory. In 2017, two new floating nest platforms were positioned by lake association volunteers in areas with low boat traffic where natural nest locations were inadequate. Though we did have. . .
Read more »Find the Smoker! Sucker Sales to Begin Soon

The sucker sale at the DNR’s Pike River Hatchery is tentatively set to begin this week either Thursday May 3 or Friday May 4. The Vermilion Lake Association (VLA) has been conducting this spring ritual since 1968. The lake association sells suckers trapped during walleye. . .
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