Monthly Archives: August 2018

DNR Seeking Info on Lake Vermilion Research Buoy

A DNR buoy near Spider Island in Vermilion’s Big Bay has recently escaped its mooring. The buoy and its attached temperature sensors were deployed in May to continuously record water column temperatures in the 70-foot deep hole near Spider, the deepest spot on Lake Vermilion.. . .

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Lake Vermilion Fishing Report

Fishing on Lake Vermilion has been highlighted with some of the best and the worse days of the year over the past week.  The walleye fishing has been excellent on the windy days with the fish congregating along the wind blown structure and shore lines.. . .

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How to Report Suspicious Vegetation at Vermilion

Early detection of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) infestations is a team effort: Key to our success is property owners, lake visitors, volunteer access sentries, and AIS Detectors all working together. Please report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which you do not recognize as. . .

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The VLA’s Weekend Party Was Also an Information Fair

Last Saturday’s 50th anniversary picnic was not just about food and meeting old friends. The 285 attendees also had a great opportunity to ask questions about key Vermilion Lake Association activities while kids explored the Camp Vermilion grounds and enjoyed the bouncy house. Lake association. . .

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VLA Members Gather to Celebrate 50 Years of Service

The Vermilion Lake Association celebrated its 50th anniversary with a picnic last Saturday. Members reminisced about the first 50 years protecting and improving Lake Vermilion and discussed the challenges of the next fifty. Camp Vermilion on Wakemup Bay provided a fabulous setting with indoor and. . .

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DNR Publishes Lake Vermilion Management Plan

A plan that covers how fish populations will be managed in Lake Vermilion through 2022 has been finalized by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Public input resulted in slight changes to the final plan including new stocking guidelines for muskie, a planned evaluation of. . .

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Boat Manufacturers Getting on Board to Fight AIS

Boats have always been designed to look great and perform well on the water. With aquatic invasive species (AIS) all around us waiting to hitchhike to your next lake, boat manufacturers have a new challenge: Eliminating all the hiding places and impossible-to-clean crevices where vegetation. . .

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Northern Pike Regulation Change on Lake Vermilion?

Anglers can play a role in a proposed fishing regulation change for northern pike on Lake Vermilion that would simplify northern pike regulations by bringing them in line with the new statewide zone regulation starting in May 2019. Anyone who wants to ask questions and. . .

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Vermilion’s Eight Shore Lunch Sites Get New Signs

Lake association volunteers Dick Johnson, John Zwieg, and Mel Hintz installed new signs with the Vermilion Lake Association (VLA) name and logo at the eight shore lunch sites maintained by the VLA around the lake. The signs are mounted on the ends of the docks,. . .

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