Our 50th Anniversary Year Begins!

The Vermilion Lake Association (VLA) held its annual meeting last Saturday, officially kicking off its 50th Anniversary Year. About 180 members and guests packed the Cook Community Center for fellowship and a buffet dinner. Guest speaker Stan Tekiela gave an informative talk on “Majestic Eagles,” displaying hundreds of images of our national symbol and Lake Vermilion resident.

Our lake association began as the Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion in April 1968. A group of resort owners, tired of poor fishing which threatened their livelihood, decided to do something about it. You’ll hear more about their energy and persistence as the history of our first 50 years is re-told over the next 12 months. Those who visit and live at Lake Vermilion will be forever in their debt.

The meeting attendees also honored Dale and Nan Lundblad as Dale retired from the board. Dale and Nan have made significant contributions to Lake Vermilion for over two decades. They will be remembered as the editors of the VLA newsletter, The Vermilion Sportsman. Dale accepted the title of Director Emeritus, a new position created in his honor.

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