Lake Vermilion’s AIS Identification Team Prepared
We’re ready! Property owners and lake visitors are encouraged to report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which they do not recognize as native to Lake Vermilion.
Early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS) is key to managing or removing the infestation. This year, our lake has four AIS Detectors trained by the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) to identify what you’ve found. Please put a sample in a ZipLoc bag and give one of them a call. Let our team help you protect our great lake.
Vermilion’s AIS Detectors are:
Steve Lindberg,, 651-600-4638
Bob McNamara,, 612-743-8124
Mary McNellis,, 612-804-8604
Wayne Suoja,, 218-753-2162
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