Invitation to Comment on Cormorant Control

The USFWS announced advance notice of their intent to prepare a NEPA document related to cormorant management for free-swimming (i.e., public) fish populations in addition to aquaculture. Comments from the public, governmental agencies, tribes, the scientific community, industry or any other interested parties are being solicited. Comments received will inform draft environmental review. MN DNR will be putting together one comment for the entire Department including information from Lake Vermilion.

Feel free to submit comments either as individuals or a group. Below is the link to the federal register.

Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments to Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-2019-0103.

More information about the rule-making process, cormorants and meetings, including how to register, will be posted online at

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