An Urgent Message from the VLA Boating Safety Team

An urgent message from the VLA Boating Safety team: The severe drought we are currently experiencing has caused low water conditions in the lake to become hazardous. A member reported to the Boating Safety Coordinator on Friday August 20 that he hit a rock just northwest of the Isle of Pines bridge while traveling in between red and green cones. Please be mindful that rocks, reefs and shoals that are safe to pass over during normal lake water levels may now present a boating hazard. Please slow down, stay clear of points and shorelines, and use extreme caution in places near hazard buoys or red/green cones; keeping in mind that only main lake areas are marked. We recommend boaters review maps of the lake that show water depths and watch your depth finder like a hawk when traveling in shallow water.

If you encounter a problem with any of the buoys on the lake, contact Dawn Bogdan at Timbuktu Marina

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