Membership Approves Name Change to Vermilion Lake Association

TOWER and COOK—After considering a possible name change for over a year, members of the Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion (SCLV) approved the change recommend by their Board of Directors at the organization’s 48th Annual Meeting last weekend.

The organization’s new name will be “Vermilion Lake Association, Inc.”

“It was time for the change,” explained Vice President Dale Lundblad, who had led the year-long discussion. “Since 1968, we have gradually expanded the scope of our activities as our beloved Lake Vermilion faced an ever-increasing number of challenges. We have, in a natural and unintentional manner, evolved into a lake association.”

President Terry Grosshauser agreed.

“The Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion was founded in 1968 by a dozen resort owners who decided to address the poor fishing which frustrated their guests. Our passion for protecting our fishery persists today. Over the years, we have taken on a broad range of additional activities – aquatic invasive species, cormorant management, annual loon count, shore lunch sites, night navigation lights, shore land protection, rough fish removal, and water quality.”

Both Lundblad and Grosshauser emphasize the new name does not signal a new mission or direction for the organization. Said Grosshauser, “The organization and its volunteers will continue to do all they can to protect Lake Vermilion and to enhance the outdoor experience for those who share it.”

Lundblad added, “I thank all of our members for their patience and support throughout this lengthy and carefully considered process. I am sure many of them share my nostalgic feelings for our roots, our founders, and our traditional name, the Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion. I am confident our new Vermilion Lake Association name will allow us to grow our membership, increase our influence, and secure the resources needed to better protect our beautiful lake.”

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