Avoiding Minnesota DNR Survey Nets
Matt Hennen, DNR Tower Area Fisheries, is urging boaters on Lake Vermilion to be on the lookout for DNR survey nets. The nets are deployed overnight (roughly 24 hours) during weekdays at the same 20 netting locations annually from late August through mid-September to assess the fishery.
We urge you to avoid these nets for the few nights a year that they are present in Lake Vermilion and other lakes that are being surveyed. If you happen to get tangled in a net while fishing or come across a net and are curious as to what it is, feel free to call 218-300-7802 or email tower.fisheries@state.mn.us.
For more information, see the article in the Summer issue of the Vermilion Lake Association newsletter at www.vermilionlakeassociation.org.
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