Cameras Measure Traffic at Vermilion Boat Accesses
To better protect Lake Vermilion from aquatic invasive species (AIS), trail cameras are being used at Vermilion’s 17 public watercraft accesses to measure launch traffic. Knowing where and when boats launch is key to improving the efficiency of Vermilion’s AIS boat inspection program.
In 2018, our AIS prevention team began a two-year project to maximize inspection efficiency. The task is easy to describe: Develop the knowledge to predict launch traffic in advance and deploy AIS inspectors at the busiest accesses at the busiest times of the day for the entire season.
We have good historical traffic data for accesses staffed by inspectors in prior years. The time-stamped photos from the trail cameras help “fill in the blanks” for unstaffed accesses and for early morning and late evening traffic at all accesses.
Cameras are moved between accesses frequently. Accesses with active cameras are marked with a blue “Public Notice” sign.
Vermilion’s traffic analysis project is a partnership between the Vermilion Lake Association and North St Louis Soil and Water Conservation District. The effort is funded by grants from the Initiative Foundation and from St Louis County’s AIS Prevention Program.
For additional information about AIS prevention at Lake Vermilion, contact Jeff Lovgren at lovgren.jeff@gmail.com or go to VermilionLakeAssociation.org.
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