Category Archives: AIS Prevention

Check Your Docks and Lifts for AIS This Fall

Early detection of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) infestations is a team effort: Key to our success is property owners, lake visitors, volunteer access sentries, and AIS Detectors all working together. Please report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which you do not recognize as. . .

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Check Your Docks and Lifts for AIS This Fall

Early detection of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) infestations is a team effort: Key to our success is property owners, lake visitors, volunteer access sentries, and AIS Detectors all working together. Please report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which you do not recognize as. . .

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How to Report Suspicious Vegetation at Vermilion

Early detection of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) infestations is a team effort: Key to our success is property owners, lake visitors, volunteer access sentries, and AIS Detectors all working together. Please report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which you do not recognize as. . .

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Boat Manufacturers Getting on Board to Fight AIS

Boats have always been designed to look great and perform well on the water. With aquatic invasive species (AIS) all around us waiting to hitchhike to your next lake, boat manufacturers have a new challenge: Eliminating all the hiding places and impossible-to-clean crevices where vegetation. . .

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How to Report Suspicious Vegetation at Vermilion

Early detection of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) infestations is a team effort: Key to our success is property owners, lake visitors, volunteer access sentries, and AIS Detectors all working together. Please report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which you do not recognize as. . .

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Be a Hero Transport Zero — Remove Weeds

Eurasian watermilfoil and starry stonewort are on top of Lake Vermilion’s aquatic invasive species threat list. Let’s all do our part to keep these weeds out of our lake!  

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Lake Vermilion’s AIS Identification Team Prepared

We’re ready! Property owners and lake visitors are encouraged to report any suspicious aquatic vegetation or invertebrates which they do not recognize as native to Lake Vermilion. Early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS) is key to managing or removing the infestation. This year, our. . .

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AIS Prevention at Vermilion … How It Began

When I joined the board of the Sportsmen’s Club of Lake Vermilion in 2003 as their treasurer, I could see some dark clouds on the horizon which were not related to dollars and cents. Duane Williams and Jack Sparks had discovered rusty crayfish in Armstrong. . .

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Is It Too Late to Protect Lake Vermilion from AIS?

Is it too late? Will the depressing news about fishery issues at other major walleye lakes inevitably reach our shore? Absolutely not! Yes, spiny waterfleas were discovered in Vermilion’s east basin in 2015. They have noticeably reduced our small zooplankton, especially in late summer, but. . .

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2018 Lake Vermilion AIS Program Gets Underway

After several months of planning, reviews and funding applications, the Vermilion Lake Association (VLA) has formally kicked off its 2018 aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention activities. The prevention program at Lake Vermilion includes over 20 projects, with special emphasis on watercraft inspections and on early. . .

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