Updating the Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan
The Management Plan Update Process
The Minnesota DNR updated the Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan during 2016 and 2017. This new plan defines goals and actions for managing specific fish species of primary management concern present within the fish community. Lake Vermilion is an important statewide resource and there has been increasing public interest in management issues in recent years.
A more structured management planning process that included formal citizen participation and facilitated planning meetings was initiated to engage stakeholders in the development of this plan. The DNR worked with a group of 20 stakeholders, which comprise the Lake Vermilion Fisheries Input Group (LVFIG) to provide input for the development of the 2017-2022 Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan. This group provided diverse local and statewide perspectives and made recommendations on Lake Vermilion fisheries management.
Managing Lake Vermilion’s Fisheries – 2017-2022
The DNR will continue to work with the Input Group and other interested stakeholders through the duration of the plan. This will include holding annual update meetings to review the previous year’s information, assess the status of the fishery with respect to the goals and objectives defined in the management plan, and provide opportunities to discuss any emerging issues.
Additional Info on the Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan
- Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan 2017-2022 – Full Text
- Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan 2017-2022 – Executive Summary
- Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan 2017-2022 — DNR Responses
How Do I Contact Someone on the Input Group?
For more information about the Input Group or about how our fisheries are managed, please contact VLA Board Member Terry Grosshauser.