Donate Now
The Vermilion Lake Association has qualified as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under IRC Section 501(c)(3). Your charitable gifts and membership dues are generally tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Please consult your tax professional.
To accommodate a wide range of donor interests, the Vermilion Lake Association has three funds to which gifts may be directed. Any size gift is appreciated and acknowledged.
- General Fund
Gifts to this fund are used for a broad range of lake association activities. - Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Fund
Gifts to this fund are used to prevent new AIS infestations and to manage infestations already present. - Shore Lunch Site Improvement Fund
Gifts to this fund are used to improve and maintain Lake Vermilion’s eight shore lunch sites.
How to Donate Now
Please fill out the form below. If you’d like to send a check, please make it payable to the “Vermilion Lake Association” and mail to the address below. All gifts are appreciated and acknowledged.
Vermilion Lake Association
Mark Schmidt, Treasurer
PO Box 236
Cook MN 55723