Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan Update Begins

The Minnesota DNR announced today it will be updating the Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan over the next year. The updated plan will recommend specific goals, objectives, and management actions aimed at preserving a high-quality fishery on Lake Vermilion.

“We are pleased the DNR has begun this important plan update,” said Terry Grosshauser, president of the Sportsmen’s Club, a 2400-member lake association. “Selecting Vermilion to be the next lake to receive this detailed analysis underscores the DNR’s commitment to maintaining an excellent multispecies fishery at our lake.”

The Sportsmen’s Club supports this initiative and anticipates it will be represented on the input group, along with other local and statewide stakeholders. Some seats will be filled by volunteers who apply though the self-nomination process. The input group will be finalized in February by the DNR, with an initial meeting planned for March.

“I encourage anyone with a passion for Lake Vermilion’s fishery to apply for appointment to the input group,” said Grosshauser. “Vermilion benefits when persons with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives join the process.”

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