New Shore Lunch Sites Signage
Our eight SCLV Shore Lunch Sites now have new directional signs posted at the trail head leading to the latrine at each site. The signs were made by SCLV volunteer, Dick Johnson, who also assisted with the mid-May installation along with volunteers Tom Forconi, John Zwieg, and Mel Hintz.
Lake users are invited to visit these sites, but please remember to remove all litter, make sure your fire is dead out, and please be courteous to others by limiting your stay. Camping and houseboat mooring are not permitted. The sites are monitored regularly by SCLV volunteers.
The Shore Lunch Sites are provided through cooperative agreements with the U.S. Forest Service and the Minnesota DNR. All are equipped with a safe dock, picnic table, fire ring, and wilderness style latrine. For more information, please check out Shore Lunch Sites.
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