No Zebra Mussel Veligers Detected at Lake Vermilion

Water samples collected at Lake Vermilion in mid-July contained no zebra mussel veligers, according to the analysis performed by RMB Environmental Labs. Veligers are microscopic zebra mussel larvae and a key early indicator of a zebra mussel infestation. Zebras are a serious aquatic invasive species (AIS) that creates problems for both fishermen and recreational boaters.

Sportsmen’s Club volunteers Mel Hintz and Dick Johnson collected samples using a 65-micron plankton net at the Hoodoo Point boat access, the Tower Harbor, and the mouth of East Two River.

The post-July 4th timing and specific sample locations were selected to give the best chance of finding veligers introduced recently from a different lake by boaters or finding an undiscovered local adult population. Hoodoo Point is Vermilion’s busiest access. The East Two River and Harbor locations are downstream from areas where calcium levels are high enough to potentially support a zebra mussel infestation had zebras been introduced in the past.

Sampling at all three locations will be repeated in August.


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